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Meet Charles Taylor

Charles Taylor is a father, mental health coach, and re-entry advocate with over ten years of facilitating case management support, addressing homelessness crises, and facilitating wellness workshops in group homes and prisons. At 16 years old, Charles was sentenced to 28 years to life in prison due to the daily influences of gang culture, broken homes, and living in poverty in South Los Angeles. Charles has made a remarkable transformation in his life after his conviction, using his lived experience to inspire and give hope to people and communities suffering from traumatic environments and experiences.


Meet Dynasty Taylor

Dynasty Taylor is a Social Worker and Founder of Dynasty's United Youth Association with over 13 years of experience in youth advocacy, community development, public policy, and mental health. At the earliest of three weeks old, her father, Charles, went to prison, which left Dynasty to navigate the world on her own with the support of her family and community, which was not an easy task. Through her trials and tribulations, Dynasty faced adversity head-on to break the cycle of poverty and generations of trauma within her family and community. She is a South Los Angeles community pillar and graduated from the University of Southern California, Cal State Northridge, and Dorsey Miller High School.

Where it all started

Through prison visits, timed global tel link phone calls, long hand-written letters, and DIY birthday cards, Charles Taylor managed to keep a relationship with his daughter in the midst of his prison term. Having a daughter and facing the daily realities of trauma, he fought hard for his freedom, rehabilitation, and family reunification. As Dynasty faced similar struggles through adulthood, she became willing to build a relationship with her father. Through their lived experiences and constant battles of lost time, they made steps towards nurturing what they had in each other and created a loving father-daughter bond. Dynasty and Charles believed that if they used their story and were vulnerable to the world, they could inspire and motivate more individuals to take ownership of their mental health and find healthier ways to cope and rebuild their lives.

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